This breathtaking room on Level 1 is full of light, has floorboards and city views. With 88m2 of open floor space, this is perfect for rehearsals, special functions or exhibitions.

Dimensions: 12.65m x 7m (88m2)



Unfunded artists: $16/hour or $600/week

Funded artists and not-for-profits: $22/hour or $825/week

Commercial: POA


Photography/video and film projects:

Students: Venue hire costs

Unfunded artists: $200 half day or less. $400 full day 

Funded: $320 half day or less. $640 full day 

Commercial: POA

For these projects we require an email also with statement and intention for use.


* + GST


Minimum 3 hour bookings for rehearsals.


For bookings phone (03) 9645 9937 or email

Upstairs studio Photograph courtesy: Igor Sapina

Photography courtesy: Igor Sapina