About Balletlab
“..the stand out of the festival.”
“..a terribly threatening, viscerally scary, and stunningly beautiful piece.” - Zoe Barron, ArtsHub on After, Proximity Festival Perth, Nov 2015
“Adams is an extremely cool-headed and intellectual artist...”
“A work equally rich emotionally and intellectually...” - Jana Perkovic, realtime 126 (2015)
"It's massively brave dance making" - John Bailey (Capital Idea on Aviary)
Phillip Adams BalletLab is a vital contributor to Australian dance and performance culture today. It is an arresting company led by Artistic Director Phillip Adams, an interdisciplinary choreographer and artist.
Everything begins with the body. We think physically and visually to create and curate new and unmediated experiences that contest the boundaries of contemporary arts practice. Adams’ process draws on collaboration and is an investigation through mediums of music, design, fashion, architecture, cinema, visual arts, photography and live arts; engaging with the unorthodox, queer and popular culture.
Since its inception in 1998, Phillip Adams BalletLab has toured widely nationally and internationally, performing in the USA, China, Denmark, Scotland, Germany, England, Korea, Mongolia, Romania and Bulgaria.